Zoltan Bisak
Rođen 11.06.1981.godine u Pančevu. Završio je srednju elektrotehničku školu u Pančevu a zatim Tehnički fakultet u Zrenjaninu, trenutno radi kao profesor Tehničkog obrazovanja, tehničkog crtanja i nacrtne geometrije u Pančevu.Kreativnom fotografijom, kao i fotografijom uopšte, počinje da se bavi od 2007.godine. Učestvovao je na više od 250 kolektivnih izložbi na kojima je osvojio preko 60 nagrada i pohvala, kako u zemlji tako i u inostranstvu. Jedan je od dvojice osnivača Foto grupe „dunavac“ Ivanovo. Osim izlagačkih aktivnosti većinu „fotografskog“ vremena provodi vođenjem fotografske sekcije, koju čine deca od 10 do 17 godina, u okviru Osnovnih škola(Pančeva i Ivanova) i FG“Dunavavc“. Nosilac je zvanja FA1 FSS a 2014 i 2015 je bio na listi 10 najuspešnijih autora u Srbiji. U FSS zadužen je za rad sa mladima.
Born on June 11, 1981 in Pancevo. He graduated from the High School of Electrical Engineering in Pancevo and then the Technical Faculty in Zrenjanin, and currently works as a professor of Technical Education, Technical Drawing and Descriptive Geometry in Pancevo. He has been dealing with creative photography, as well as photography in general, since 2007. He has participated in more than 250 collective exhibitions where he has won over 60 awards and commendations, both in the country and abroad. He is one of the two founders of the Photo Group "Dunavac" Ivanovo. In addition to exhibition activities, he spends most of his "photographic" time by leading a photographic section, which consists of children aged 10 to 17, within the Elementary Schools (Pancevo and Ivanovo) and FG "Dunavavc". He is the holder of the title FA1 FSS, and in 2014 and 2015 he was on the list of the 10 most successful authors in Serbia. In the FSS, he is in charge of working with young people.